March 4, 2025
All Pokemon in Pokemon Legends ZA So Far

All Pokemon in Pokemon Legends ZA So Far

As we get closer to the release of Pokemon Legends Z-A players are going to want to know what Pokemon are actually available to them in-game. So to help that, we are compiling a list of all Pokemon in Pokemon Legends ZA so far. We will keep this updated with all of the official reveals and any leaks or rumors.

Pokemon in Pokemon Legends ZA: Official

Below is a list of all of the Pokemon that have officially been revealed for Pokemon Legends ZA. We only have one trailer at the moment but expect this to change on Pokemon Day during the already-announced Pokemon Presents.

  1. Pikachu
  2. Raichu
  3. Pichu
  4. Litleo
  5. Pyroar
  6. Ekans
  7. Arbok
  8. Bellsprout
  9. Weepinbell
  10. Victreebel
  11. Onix
  12. Staryu
  13. Starmie
  14. Magikarp
  15. Gyarados
  16. Eevee
  17. Flareon
  18. Jolteon
  19. Vaporeon
  20. Espeon
  21. Umbreon
  22. Glaceon
  23. Leafeon
  24. Sylveon
  25. Dratini
  26. Dragonair
  27. Dragonite
  28. Unknown
  29. Steelix
  30. Barboach
  31. Wishcash
  32. Absol
  33. Hippopotas
  34. Hippowdon
  35. Sandile
  36. Krokorok
  37. Krookodile
  38. Emolga
  39. Fletchling
  40. Fletchinder
  41. Talonflame
  42. Flabebe
  43. Floette
  44. Florges
  45. Skiddo
  46. Gogoat
  47. Furfrou
  48. Honedge
  49. Doublade
  50. Aegislash
  51. Hawlucha
  52. Klefki
  53. Pinsir
  54. Heracross
  55. Spinarak
  56. Ariados
  57. Pancham
  58. Pangoro
  59. Bulbasaur
  60. Ivysaur
  61. Venusaur
  62. Charmander
  63. Charmeleon
  64. Charizard X
  65. Charizard Y
  66. Squirtle
  67. Wartortle
  68. Blastoise
  69. Weedle
  70. Kakuna
  71. Beedrill
  72. Pidgey
  73. Pidgeotto
  74. Pidgeot
  75. Abra
  76. Kadabra
  77. Alakazam
  78. Slowpoke
  79. Slowbro
  80. Gastly
  81. Haunter
  82. Gengar
  83. Kangaskhan
  84. Pinsir
  85. Magikarp
  86. Gyarados
  87. Aerodactyl
  88. Mewtwo X
  89. Mewtwo Y
  90. Mareep
  91. Flaaffy
  92. Ampharos
  93. Onix
  94. Steelix
  95. Scyther
  96. Scizor
  97. Houndour
  98. Houndoom
  99. Larvitar
  100. Pupitar
  101. Tyranitar
  102. Treecko
  103. Grovyle
  104. Sceptile
  105. Torchic
  106. Combusken
  107. Blaziken
  108. Mudkip
  109. Marshtomp
  110. Swampert
  111. Ralts
  112. Kirlia
  113. Gardevoir
  114. Sableye
  115. Mawile
  116. Aron
  117. Lairon
  118. Aggron
  119. Meditite
  120. Medicham
  121. Electrike
  122. Manectric
  123. Carvanha
  124. Sharpedo
  125. Numel
  126. Camerupt
  127. Swablu
  128. Altaria
  129. Banette
  130. Absol
  131. Snorunt
  132. Glalie
  133. Bagon
  134. Shelgon
  135. Salamence
  136. Beldum
  137. Metang
  138. Metagross
  139. Latias
  140. Latios
  141. Buneary
  142. Lopunny
  143. Gible
  144. Gabite
  145. Garchomp
  146. Riolu
  147. Lucario
  148. Snover
  149. Abomasnow
  150. Audino
  151. Diancie
  152. Goomy
  153. Sliggo
  154. Goodra
  155. Clauncher
  156. Clawitzer
  157. Totodile
  158. Croconaw
  159. Furaligatr
  160. Chickorita
  161. Bayleef
  162. Meganium
  163. Tepig
  164. Pignite
  165. Emboar
  166. Bunnelby
  167. Diggersby
  168. Patrat
  169. Watchog
  170. Zygarde
  171. Scatterbug
  172. Spewpa
  173. Vivillon
  174. Budew
  175. Roselia
  176. Roserade
  177. Trubbish
  178. Garbador
  179. Litwick
  180. Lampent
  181. Chandelure
  182. Swirlix
  183. Slurpuff
  184. Spritzee
  185. Aromatisse
  186. Skrelp
  187. Clauncher
  188. Inkay
  189. Malamar
  190. Dedenne

Leaked or Rumored

No new leaks or rumors since Pokemon Day 2025.

Other Expected Pokemon

There is a good chance that many of the Pokemon from X & Y will find their way in Pokemon Legends Z-A. Especially if they follow a similar format to what we say with Legends Arceus. Most of the Gen 4 Pokemon were the ones that were in that game with very few outside of that. Many expect that things could change this time as they try to improve the format. It will be worth watching which Pokemon will get added or maybe even taken out but the Kalos Pokedex was pretty big so there could be plenty to choose from.

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