I’m not a fan of Windows and I do suffer a bit sometimes with things like Oculus software not running properly on my Mac/Linux box. So I wanted to try out some Etherium mining on my POP OS linux box. It is possible but was a bit of a fiddle.
Note that Bitcoin mining is much easier with easy to download and install the software. Venturing into the world of Etherium mining sadly requires dipping into the command line and is not for the faint-hearted.
My Setup
I have a POP OS (ubuntu) set up with an AMD graphics card. These two things immediately make life more difficult – if you have this setup and you want help give me a shout. It’s a bit of a fiddle but for windows owners, it’s much easier.
Use the Firefox, Chrome or Edge browsers and install the Metamask extension and create an account – don’t forget to record your private key, this will create for you an Ethereum address that you’ll need later.
2. Go to https://ethermine.org/
I used the TeamReadminer software. Download and extract it. You will find a batch file (on Linux is start_eth.sh) so you’ll need to edit that, copy your Wallet Address from Metamask.
Now paste it into the script:
../teamredminer -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -u PASTE ADDRESS HERE.trmtest -p x
Now save the script – you can use note pad.
Now start start_eth
You should get a screen like this:-
That means that you are actually running. Now go back to the website at ethermine.org
Search for your wallet address and then you can see the results of your mining. Note that it takes a while for it to show.
Note that this is a very new miner I’ve only just put on – so it’s not making a whole heap of money yet. It will run nicely with my machine running so I can carry on using it. Unlike the Bitcoin mining with Nicehash where I booted from a USB key so the mining was dedicated.
Time will tell if this is worthwhile. Watch this space if you want to see how to mine zCash. I’ll be using the same platform in fact but a different wallet.