January 24, 2025
League Of Legends Tier List Patch 11.22 – Most Picked And Banned Champions

League Of Legends Tier List Patch 11.22 – Most Picked And Banned Champions

Every few weeks, Riot Games announces and releases a brand-new patch for League of Legends that not only brings with it a set of new additions and changes but it also messes up the current meta of the game. These changes completely change the way the game is played, as it buffs and nerfs the champions in the game.

So, with the League of Legends Patch 11.22 now live, let us help you figure out the game’s current meta with our League Of Legends Tier List that categorizes that splits the champions into 6 different tiers ranging from Rank S+ all the way down to Rank D.

League Of Legends Tier List – Patch 11.22

If you have been wondering which LoL Champion is the one to pick or play and which one to avoid in the current LoL patch, this is the place for it.

Let’s begin!

Rank S+ (Godlike)

Champion Role Trend Win Rate % Role % Pick Rate % Ban Rate % KDA
Jhin ADC 9.47 51.18% 98.98% 24.90% 4.03% 2.89
Miss Fortune ADC -14.24 51.13% 98.09% 19.19% 11.39% 2.3
Lucian ADC -6.86 48.93% 90.98% 18.83% 20.88% 2.21
Lee Sin JUNGLE 0.84 47.88% 95.30% 16.62% 18.46% 2.75
Nami SUPPORT 7.6 50.81% 99.85% 16.16% 12.42% 3.14
Xayah ADC 15.53 52.55% 98.60% 15.12% 5.55% 2.5
Lulu SUPPORT 7.17 49.45% 93.19% 12.75% 17.77% 3.09
Yasuo MID -2.84 49.60% 72.17% 12.68% 22.67% 1.77
Kayn JUNGLE 7.19 47.81% 97.57% 12.65% 19.92% 2.35
Thresh SUPPORT 4.95 49.16% 99.42% 12.54% 8.15% 2.53
Lux SUPPORT 12.49 51.57% 58.55% 12.22% 7.68% 2.46
Camille TOP -4.28 52.89% 96.98% 12.09% 18.05% 2.06
Viego JUNGLE -5.98 50.36% 91.55% 11.86% 9.94% 2.53
Yuumi SUPPORT -4.94 46.84% 99.22% 11.35% 42.06% 4.05
Graves JUNGLE -10.42 52.01% 55.40% 10.73% 25.55% 2.74
Yone MID -2.11 48.72% 68.12% 10.53% 19.23% 1.93
Leona SUPPORT 4.94 50.13% 99.55% 10.49% 16.44% 2.4
LeBlanc MID 7.12 49.09% 97.18% 10.17% 21.73% 2.79
Vex MID -2 50.53% 85.32% 8.55% 31.21% 2.46
Teemo TOP -2.55 50.61% 87.87% 8.42% 20.69% 1.7
Zed MID 5.02 51.01% 68.15% 8.40% 36.71% 2.26
Blitzcrank SUPPORT 11.71 54.10% 99.44% 8.12% 14.21% 2.56
Lux MID 1.18 52.13% 38.50% 7.60% 7.68% 2.93

Rank S (Strong)

Champion Role Trend Win Rate % Role % Pick Rate % Ban Rate % KDA
Ezreal ADC -2.9 48.35% 97.38% 17.25% 4.45% 2.39
Caitlyn ADC 2.43 50.66% 97.87% 12.89% 5.32% 2.34
Jinx ADC -1.14 52.12% 99.49% 10.96% 1.00% 2.43
Vayne ADC -1.58 51.58% 80.91% 9.77% 10.68% 2.21
Rakan SUPPORT 3.58 49.64% 99.51% 9.26% 0.99% 2.95
Morgana SUPPORT 1.31 47.04% 91.60% 8.54% 23.48% 2.44
Ekko JUNGLE -2 50.45% 73.88% 8.46% 7.42% 2.72
Sylas MID 1.15 50.10% 76.53% 7.85% 6.11% 2.11
Darius TOP -1.94 50.14% 94.96% 7.82% 16.78% 1.86
Sett TOP -8.15 48.80% 83.02% 7.61% 7.54% 1.72
Master Yi JUNGLE 4.44 52.00% 94.62% 7.60% 17.54% 2.04
Katarina MID 2.68 50.44% 96.15% 7.55% 12.99% 2.26
Talon JUNGLE 4.85 49.52% 68.45% 7.39% 17.57% 2.48
Riven TOP 9.75 49.19% 94.52% 6.87% 5.83% 1.88
Akali MID 18.92 49.96% 65.40% 6.86% 7.42% 2.36
Hecarim JUNGLE 2.65 51.18% 98.44% 6.83% 3.42% 2.92
Fiora TOP -3.44 50.59% 98.14% 6.71% 14.53% 1.81
Jax TOP -5.47 49.47% 86.12% 6.54% 8.25% 1.71
Twisted Fate MID 1.84 48.86% 95.46% 6.45% 2.10% 2.29
Soraka SUPPORT 2.91 52.36% 96.11% 6.37% 2.62% 2.8
Garen TOP -1.44 50.07% 87.45% 6.14% 2.50% 2.01
Graves TOP -4.62 51.03% 32.80% 6.07% 25.55% 1.84
Irelia TOP -7.44 49.02% 55.83% 6.01% 25.15% 1.58
Mordekaiser TOP 2.1 51.85% 86.54% 5.96% 7.16% 1.78
Xin Zhao JUNGLE 4.65 52.42% 96.25% 5.91% 4.72% 2.44
Vi JUNGLE 16.6 54.17% 93.71% 5.43% 1.21% 2.54
Nasus TOP 3.2 53.38% 87.80% 5.35% 4.82% 2
Tahm Kench TOP -2.3 50.96% 91.87% 5.14% 11.30% 2.69
Malphite TOP -2.99 50.68% 74.29% 4.97% 5.16% 2.39
Shen TOP -6.58 49.62% 86.80% 4.62% 0.90% 2.84
Urgot TOP 6.38 53.97% 94.90% 4.47% 2.23% 2.01
Zac JUNGLE 4.91 53.24% 85.04% 4.26% 1.88% 3.86
Bard SUPPORT 5.15 53.99% 98.97% 4.15% 1.25% 2.99
Fizz MID 4.9 52.43% 95.92% 4.12% 5.46% 2.48
Akshan MID 4.71 53.28% 71.55% 3.77% 15.50% 2.28

Rank A (Decent)

Champion Role Trend Win Rate % Role % Pick Rate % Ban Rate % KDA
Kai’Sa ADC -0.5 49.78% 99.19% 9.58% 1.18% 2.4
Pyke SUPPORT 3.55 49.71% 91.52% 7.71% 8.36% 2.13
Kha’Zix JUNGLE -21.81 47.61% 99.29% 7.16% 10.31% 2.27
Nautilus SUPPORT 0.38 49.57% 97.91% 7.07% 6.72% 2.33
Karma SUPPORT 1.79 48.75% 88.75% 6.69% 0.82% 2.73
Draven ADC -5.02 50.31% 95.32% 6.47% 12.42% 2.16
Renekton TOP 18.41 47.82% 89.37% 6.28% 3.00% 1.92
Shaco JUNGLE -2.35 48.83% 81.70% 5.53% 15.09% 2.58
Warwick JUNGLE 2.58 49.14% 75.80% 5.49% 3.85% 2.36
Jarvan IV JUNGLE -1.33 48.97% 92.70% 5.43% 1.79% 3.26
Aatrox TOP -2.59 47.52% 93.10% 5.26% 2.83% 1.96
Zoe MID 6.36 49.09% 96.44% 5.23% 1.93% 2.42
Nidalee JUNGLE 7.67 50.84% 93.55% 5.18% 4.64% 3.04
Janna SUPPORT 2.43 52.13% 97.71% 4.86% 0.38% 3.08
Irelia MID 0.23 49.64% 43.27% 4.69% 25.15% 1.8
Kassadin MID 0.3 50.15% 97.22% 4.65% 9.22% 2.39
Evelynn JUNGLE -3.68 49.80% 99.33% 4.64% 11.85% 2.78
Nocturne JUNGLE 2.96 52.09% 94.90% 4.63% 4.28% 2.54
Kennen TOP -3.61 49.03% 88.40% 4.56% 2.42% 2
Yone TOP -3.13 49.11% 31.96% 4.48% 18.69% 1.71
Sion TOP 0.54 50.96% 84.39% 4.30% 0.63% 1.62
Ahri MID -3.11 48.47% 94.79% 4.26% 1.04% 2.47
Zyra SUPPORT -0.08 51.87% 93.18% 4.21% 2.43% 2.1
Vladimir MID 0.36 50.78% 76.40% 4.17% 5.15% 2.39
Zilean SUPPORT -0.54 49.65% 84.58% 4.12% 1.17% 3.05
Xerath SUPPORT 7.36 53.43% 57.39% 4.05% 3.79% 2.54
Sona SUPPORT -4.79 50.49% 94.00% 3.94% 0.49% 2.81
Fiddlesticks JUNGLE -0.49 51.47% 92.03% 3.71% 4.11% 2.71
Maokai SUPPORT 4.24 54.03% 89.88% 3.68% 0.88% 2.25
Tryndamere TOP -2.69 50.12% 72.85% 3.67% 7.91% 1.8
Nunu JUNGLE 2.83 51.11% 90.90% 3.66% 1.36% 2.92
Lillia JUNGLE 2.93 52.13% 70.23% 3.59% 2.21% 2.86
Poppy JUNGLE 3.37 51.73% 60.66% 3.58% 3.39% 2.88
Veigar MID 2.18 50.24% 69.15% 3.56% 1.09% 2.3
Galio MID 1.06 51.55% 65.75% 3.52% 1.13% 2.63
Orianna MID 7.15 50.89% 96.34% 3.52% 0.24% 2.63
Akali TOP 12.51 51.10% 33.59% 3.36% 7.35% 2.08
Malzahar MID 3.81 52.02% 92.71% 3.30% 3.03% 2.17
Seraphine SUPPORT 5.82 51.66% 72.82% 3.30% 1.02% 2.64
Gnar TOP -0.05 50.40% 97.33% 3.16% 0.62% 2.1
Qiyana MID -2.91 50.90% 45.72% 3.08% 11.57% 2.12
Dr. Mundo TOP 6.27 53.50% 88.65% 2.98% 1.88% 2.31
Wukong TOP -4.82 50.05% 73.85% 2.91% 1.12% 2.12
Ornn TOP -3.56 49.90% 94.92% 2.90% 0.39% 2.4
Trundle JUNGLE -0.3 52.41% 71.37% 2.88% 1.31% 2.79
Anivia MID 1.35 52.94% 78.00% 2.86% 2.64% 2.47
Annie MID 1.26 50.98% 85.55% 2.75% 1.19% 2.28
Talon MID 2.03 50.04% 32.68% 2.72% 16.30% 2.23
Diana MID 2.36 51.94% 44.76% 2.52% 2.51% 2.17
Kled TOP 7.19 52.30% 87.10% 1.82% 0.79% 2.44
Corki MID 0.59 52.66% 89.87% 1.61% 0.22% 2.42
Kayle MID 4.54 54.31% 29.67% 1.21% 1.05% 2.43
Rumble MID 3.96 52.61% 38.60% 1.09% 0.38% 2.73
Skarner JUNGLE 5.58 54.53% 83.51% 0.67% 0.11% 2.98
Cassiopeia TOP 11.49 56.93% 19.26% 0.55% 1.29% 1.87
Swain MID 5.56 56.51% 11.31% 0.42% 1.73% 2.83
Gragas MID 0 55.91% 10.59% 0.41% 0.26% 2.6
Heimerdinger ADC 14.65 59.65% 16.18% 0.27% 0.63% 2.35
Sejuani TOP 14.86 55.88% 15.45% 0.27% 0.12% 2.77

Rank B (Average)

Champion Role Trend Win Rate % Role % Pick Rate % Ban Rate % KDA
Aphelios ADC -2.62 46.78% 98.01% 9.20% 3.12% 1.99
Ashe ADC -4.85 49.03% 93.85% 6.44% 1.31% 2.3
Samira ADC 1.16 49.01% 98.68% 6.19% 12.88% 2.19
Tristana ADC 0.13 51.75% 87.55% 5.40% 3.21% 2.32
Twitch ADC -1.01 51.51% 83.79% 5.19% 2.33% 2.38
Senna SUPPORT -0.68 47.75% 85.76% 5.10% 1.62% 2.54
Syndra MID 1.01 47.47% 87.58% 4.88% 0.93% 2.1
Kindred JUNGLE 0.72 49.42% 91.94% 4.54% 3.08% 2.32
Brand SUPPORT -2.91 48.50% 80.99% 4.43% 5.04% 1.75
Jayce TOP -3.04 45.71% 82.98% 4.29% 1.24% 1.72
Alistar SUPPORT -2.41 50.91% 98.51% 3.97% 0.86% 2.43
Gwen TOP 2.21 47.44% 83.62% 3.54% 2.26% 1.7
Lissandra MID -4.64 48.37% 91.86% 3.52% 0.89% 2.31
Gangplank TOP -5.88 46.16% 87.10% 3.15% 1.50% 2.06
Viktor MID 1.04 49.78% 92.19% 3.15% 0.32% 2.32
Elise JUNGLE -2.18 49.41% 97.53% 3.10% 3.56% 2.55
Sivir ADC -2.51 50.77% 97.85% 3.10% 0.67% 2.4
Ekko MID -7.7 46.71% 25.53% 3.03% 7.37% 2.23
Zed JUNGLE 0.2 47.84% 28.54% 3.03% 35.57% 2.48
Rek’Sai JUNGLE 0.39 51.58% 97.44% 2.92% 1.55% 2.59
Amumu SUPPORT -6.2 49.85% 53.45% 2.90% 7.17% 2.19
Kayle TOP 0.06 49.67% 69.88% 2.88% 1.06% 1.83
Braum SUPPORT -3.25 50.36% 99.30% 2.86% 0.44% 2.86
Volibear TOP 2.77 50.81% 48.68% 2.84% 1.72% 1.88
Volibear JUNGLE 5.2 51.41% 48.64% 2.81% 1.72% 2.56
Amumu JUNGLE 4.22 51.90% 45.68% 2.74% 7.17% 2.56
Swain SUPPORT 0.63 50.98% 71.02% 2.73% 2.02% 2.24
Rell SUPPORT -1.77 52.54% 99.61% 2.66% 0.67% 2.49
Xerath MID -2.87 48.73% 36.42% 2.63% 4.14% 2.85
Yasuo TOP -1.22 50.74% 13.50% 2.43% 24.67% 1.49
rKarthus JUNGLE 4.61 50.92% 66.88% 2.35% 3.20% 2.4
Cho’Gath TOP -1.73 50.54% 72.86% 2.17% 0.79% 2.04
Graves MID -5 49.98% 12.24% 2.05% 25.42% 2.1
Vayne TOP 0.02 49.91% 17.02% 2.05% 11.95% 1.57
Illaoi TOP -1.47 51.02% 93.46% 2.01% 3.00% 1.56
Rammus JUNGLE -1.06 51.62% 95.66% 1.97% 2.44% 2.95
Poppy TOP -4.06 50.56% 30.77% 1.90% 3.48% 2.19
Singed TOP -3.87 50.65% 69.06% 1.88% 0.55% 2.09
Pantheon MID 1.51 50.72% 38.81% 1.80% 1.48% 2.27
Udyr JUNGLE 3.07 51.68% 94.52% 1.68% 0.58% 2.58
Lillia TOP 2.53 52.50% 30.94% 1.55% 2.56% 2.06
Taric SUPPORT 0.94 51.84% 89.54% 1.34% 0.18% 3.15
Vladimir TOP -2.48 49.71% 23.31% 1.25% 5.47% 2.02
Neeko MID 7.33 53.08% 63.77% 1.22% 0.23% 2.3
Warwick TOP 1.63 50.73% 23.70% 1.16% 3.66% 2.01
Vel’Koz MID 1.69 51.67% 40.29% 1.06% 0.43% 2.64
Trundle TOP 0.88 53.01% 21.57% 0.89% 1.24% 1.71
Akshan TOP 2.4 53.37% 14.66% 0.78% 15.58% 2.03
Brand MID -1.56 51.84% 12.74% 0.72% 4.71% 1.98
Veigar ADC 7.16 53.82% 14.45% 0.67% 0.86% 2.47
Seraphine MID 0.18 49.57% 14.65% 0.63% 0.99% 2.77
Shen SUPPORT 1.03 52.56% 11.11% 0.58% 0.90% 2.86
Swain ADC 0.72 53.15% 15.31% 0.55% 1.73% 2.95
Singed MID -7.08 50.93% 21.23% 0.53% 0.47% 2.59
Kennen MID -1.21 51.10% 11.07% 0.47% 1.73% 2.33
Taliyah SUPPORT -0.85 54.91% 14.96% 0.39% 0.47% 2.08
Trundle SUPPORT NEW 51.94% 15.13% 0.37% 0.93% 2.9
Karthus MID 8.24 53.77% 10.83% 0.33% 3.20% 2.18
Kog’Maw MID 5.22 56.10% 11.02% 0.20% 0.32% 1.89

Rank C (Weak)

Champion Role Trend Win Rate % Role % Pick Rate % Ban Rate % KDA
Ziggs ADC -5.52 48.81% 76.44% 3.94% 1.58% 2.38
Qiyana JUNGLE -11.72 44.88% 53.80% 3.82% 13.35% 2.23
Kalista ADC 8.04 49.71% 93.91% 3.16% 0.43% 2.23
Diana JUNGLE -6.23 46.92% 53.61% 3.03% 2.51% 2.18
Rengar JUNGLE -3.37 47.39% 76.74% 3.00% 2.82% 2.21
Yorick TOP -6.77 47.91% 97.12% 2.47% 2.08% 1.54
Gragas JUNGLE -0.37 48.83% 57.82% 2.28% 0.26% 2.78
Yasuo ADC -2.93 51.23% 14.85% 2.16% 23.51% 1.95
Sylas TOP -6.02 46.88% 21.07% 2.02% 5.99% 1.73
Taliyah JUNGLE -4.04 48.78% 67.95% 1.97% 0.50% 2.57
Vel’Koz SUPPORT -0.77 49.39% 62.41% 1.88% 0.54% 2.09
Shyvana JUNGLE 1.07 48.98% 80.87% 1.87% 0.31% 2.43
Cassiopeia MID -2.01 48.66% 68.87% 1.78% 1.29% 1.96
Sejuani JUNGLE -5.8 47.64% 81.51% 1.66% 0.15% 3.09
Kog’Maw ADC 2.59 51.79% 86.62% 1.59% 0.28% 2.22
Vex SUPPORT -0.27 48.55% 14.87% 1.44% 31.41% 1.95
Jax JUNGLE 4.95 51.14% 18.02% 1.26% 6.74% 2.12
Quinn TOP -2.96 49.21% 83.75% 1.18% 0.49% 1.82
Ivern JUNGLE -2.99 48.93% 87.60% 1.14% 0.37% 3.2
Rengar TOP 2.37 50.16% 24.28% 1.09% 2.60% 1.94
Shaco SUPPORT -2.68 50.67% 14.52% 0.95% 14.79% 2.47
Tryndamere MID -4.46 48.41% 20.57% 0.94% 7.80% 2.06
Gragas TOP -3.61 47.60% 19.85% 0.92% 0.27% 2.08
Heimerdinger TOP 0.17 49.24% 43.48% 0.90% 1.01% 1.63
Ziggs MID -0.45 49.05% 19.05% 0.90% 1.54% 2.43
Malphite MID -6.12 49.58% 11.76% 0.82% 5.53% 2.42
Aurelion Sol MID -9.04 49.23% 94.33% 0.81% 0.24% 2.37
Pantheon TOP 3.1 49.76% 18.80% 0.76% 1.29% 2.09
Akshan ADC 1.57 50.66% 15.88% 0.73% 15.48% 2.25
Karthus ADC -5.78 52.24% 17.45% 0.73% 4.20% 2.22
Heimerdinger MID -1.56 49.79% 35.06% 0.72% 0.88% 1.94
Renekton MID 7.18 50.16% 10.05% 0.64% 2.89% 2.18
Seraphine ADC -2.13 50.65% 17.68% 0.59% 0.77% 2.68
Rumble JUNGLE 7.21 49.55% 22.97% 0.56% 0.38% 2.81
Cho’Gath MID -9.58 48.24% 15.72% 0.47% 0.76% 2.32

Rank D (Worst)

Champion Role Trend Win Rate % Role % Pick Rate % Ban Rate % KDA
Ryze MID -1.88 43.03% 83.28% 3.47% 0.38% 1.99
Varus ADC 4.71 45.86% 95.44% 2.67% 0.26% 2.2
Pantheon SUPPORT -0.19 48.19% 37.25% 1.79% 1.48% 1.98
Galio SUPPORT -7.9 47.53% 33.75% 1.58% 1.03% 2.36
Azir MID -5.99 43.27% 91.49% 1.45% 0.20% 1.99
Olaf JUNGLE 3.78 47.58% 84.09% 1.37% 1.05% 2.31
Malphite SUPPORT -5.78 47.79% 15.11% 0.98% 5.50% 2.11
Veigar SUPPORT 0.15 49.13% 17.19% 0.94% 1.21% 2.16
Rumble TOP -8.76 44.84% 40.42% 0.90% 0.37% 1.96
Senna ADC -5.39 49.10% 13.73% 0.76% 1.63% 2.55
Jayce MID -3.32 48.14% 15.89% 0.73% 0.99% 2.11
Gragas SUPPORT -8.86 44.50% 13.81% 0.61% 0.27% 2.17
Ryze TOP 3.27 48.56% 15.02% 0.59% 0.34% 1.67
Wukong JUNGLE -8.36 46.57% 16.00% 0.58% 1.12% 2.43
Gangplank MID -0.11 48.17% 13.84% 0.50% 1.38% 2.22
Neek SUPPORT -10.96 43.70% 22.41% 0.49% 0.27% 1.84
Anivia SUPPORT 0.2 49.99% 14.20% 0.47% 2.71% 2.13
Gwen JUNGLE 0 49.85% 10.59% 0.44% 2.48% 2.18
Shyvana TOP -6.92 44.31% 16.68% 0.31% 0.30% 1.86
Cassiopeia ADC -3.15 49.35% 12.35% 0.30% 1.29% 1.96
Taliyah MID -9.69 47.14% 16.26% 0.30% 0.33% 2.34
Olaf TOP -8.44 38.45% 17.75% 0.26% 1.09% 1.63
Kled MID -30.57 38.00% 11.34% 0.22% 0.87% 2.25
Nidalee SUPPORT 0 42.86% 11.51% 0.20% 1.52% 2.1

That is it for now but stay tuned as we will update our League of Legends Tier List whenever Riot releases a brand new patch or there is a substantial change in the meta. Until then, study this list and see which heroes you should be playing in the game and which ones you should avoid for now if you wish to increase your rank.League Of Legend Champions are also amazing to read.

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